Introduction SchoolStat™ is an introductory level fully functioning Macintosh™ statistics program specifically written for pre-tertiary school students studying statistics as part of their curriculum. Its more advanced routines are also adequate for most college or tertiary students. It offers: 1. a spreadsheet for entering or importing data 2. a text window for comments and test results 3. a drawing window for displaying your graphs 4. editing of the text window (& customized plots) 5. continually available help windows like this one 6. a functional readily available statistical calculator 7. one and two sample statistical analyses: including descriptive statistics, mode, confidence intervals, non-parametric and parametric comparisons, probability values, contingency tables, correlation coefficients and linear regression 8. graphical displays including: box plots, histograms, scatter plots, linear plots, stem & leaf displays, pie charting 9. probability tables and instant data point calculations with the unique active tables which bring probabilities to life by plotting the actual probability distributions. 10. simulations of probability distributions created to your required values: normal, binomial, exponential, poisson, uniform real and integer or user-defined 11. export of your graphs & data in standard Macintosh™ formats for use in other applications, as well as the ability to import data from other programs via the clipboard or scrapbook. 12. fully compatible with system 6.05 and up, including system 7.0, supporting color windows and including balloon help. Overall, SchoolStat™ is simple to use, fast and accurate. Our aim is to provide affordable software meeting your needs, and are always keen to know how to better serve you, so please do not hesitate to contact us with your suggestions (see the About SchoolStat™ topic). To start immediately: 1. click on the spreadsheet 2. type in some data in the first column (try the arrow keys too) 3. select an option from the pull down menus 4. watch the results appear in the text or graph window 5. type in a second column of data 6. select another option 7. watch the results appear 8. select other options and follow their instructions, eg the calculator, probability tables, simulations, and contingency menu items. Click again on this help window & select some of the topics for further details of their features. Please ensure you have returned your $20 fee (see About...)!